
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I've been developing a web site for a friend for Upward Sports that had to be done rather quickly, so Eutychus Fell hasn't been updated very often of late. I've been trying to put myself in the shoes of those who dislike President Bush these last few days because I have old and dear friends who wear those shoes. Now and then, I get a glimmer of how they feel. The President can come off quite sure of himself and the path we're on as a nation. I understand the attraction of nuance because there really are many sides, many answers, to the questions at hand. But leadership means cutting through all nuance and actually choosing a path and pulling others along that path. I would like to think that any President who worked through the Pentagon being attacked and thousands of civilians being murdered on his watch would develop, promote and pursue a plan to 1) change the culture of death that's taken weed in the Muslim world and 2) make nation-states afraid of the wrath of a wounded America.

President Bush has accomplished the 2nd, but my view from my little office in the world, under the glare of an all-too-obviously biased media, is too blurred to know whether we're making any headway on the 1st. I see reports of Afghan and Iraqi people being appreciative and friendly, but all to many reports of Palestinian and Muslim Cleric American hating.

I hope he can give it another four years.

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