
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Patriotic Rosary 

Our parish prayed a patriotic rosary on election eve, just before my RCIA class. We pleaded for the blood of Jesus to be poured out for each state, by name, in alphabetic order with each state's request followed by a Hail Mary. We joined in singing patriotic songs between the decades, leaders read letters of past great statesmen and we gave thanks for the sacrifices and service of the wonderful men and women who have volunteered in our armed forces today and throughout our history. No words of Republican this or Democrat that were uttered, only dozens of people on their knees praying for each state and for our nation. Normally, the patriotic rosary is said on Memorial Day, but this was a good idea and rather well attended.

I cast my vote for President Bush this morning. I'm always an early voter, I always enjoy getting there to hear the poll workers open the door with "Hear ye, hear ye, the polls are now open!!" It was raining lightly, I was first in line, getting their 20 minutes before the opening shout. By the time I voted, a small line of about 15 people had formed. This is more than normal, but not overwhelmingly so. I heard no cross words, everyone seemed calm and happy to be getting their vote behind them.

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